Regulations on the selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2022-05-02Number of views:125

201933Effective from today)

Act 1 总 则

Article one In order to uphold and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party,We will thoroughly implement the Party's organizational line and the guidelines and policies for officials' work in the new era,We will implement the requirements that the Party should supervise the Party and exercise comprehensive and strict self-governance, especially strict management of cadres,We will adhere to the standards for good cadres in the new era,Establish a scientific and standardized system for selecting and appointing leading party and government officials,To form an effective, simple and convenient selection and employment mechanism conducive to outstanding talents standing out,We will make our cadre more revolutionary, younger, better informed, and more professional,Build a great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Loyal, clean and responsible team of high-quality professional party and government leading cadres,We will ensure that the Party's basic theory, line, and strategy are fully implemented and that the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era develops smoothly,In accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and other intra-party regulations and relevant state laws,Enactment of these Regulations。

Article 2 In selecting and appointing leading Party and government officials, we must adhere to the following principles:

(1) Cadres under Party supervision;

(2) Have both virtue and ability, put virtue first, and appoint people on merit from all over the world;

(3) the cause is suitable for the post, and the personnel is appropriate;

(4) Be fair and upright, pay attention to performance, and be recognized by the masses;

(5) democratic centralism;

(6) Act in accordance with the law and regulations。

Article 3 Select and appoint leading Party and government officials,Political criteria must take precedence,In line with the building of the leading group to adhere to the Party's basic theory, basic line, basic strategy,Serve the people wholeheartedly,He is capable of advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era,The requirement of a well-structured, united and strong leadership。

Establish a focus on grassroots and practical guidance, and vigorously select cadres who dare to be responsible, have the courage to take responsibility, are good at doing things, and have outstanding achievements。

We will focus on identifying, training and selecting outstanding young officials and make good use of officials of all ages。

We will make a coordinated effort to train and select female officials, officials from ethnic minorities, and non-party officials。

Leading cadres who are not suitable for their current posts should be adjusted and promoted to be able to move up and down。

Article 4 These Regulations shall apply to the selection and appointment of leading members of the working departments of the CPC Central Committee, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, The State Council, the CPPCC National Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, or personnel in organs within the organs to hold leading positions,Leading members of the National Supervisory Commission, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate (excluding their regular posts) and personnel holding leading positions in their internal organs;Leading members of local party committees at or above the county level, standing committees of people's congresses, governments, CPPCC committees, supervisory commissions of discipline commissions, courts, procuratorates and their working departments, or personnel holding leading positions in organs within the organs;Personnel holding leading positions in the institutions of the above working departments。

The selection and appointment of leading members of group organs administered in accordance with the Civil Service Law, Party committees at or above the county level, institutions directly under the government and the personnel of their internal organs to hold leading positions shall be carried out with reference to these Regulations。

The selection and appointment of leading cadres who are not Party members by the above-mentioned organs and units shall be carried out in accordance with these Regulations。

Where laws, regulations and policies provide otherwise for the selection and appointment of Party and government leaders in ethnic regional autonomous areas, such provisions shall prevail。

Article 5 The election and appointment or removal of Party and government leading positions listed in Article 4 of these Regulations shall be governed by the provisions of these Regulations for candidates recommended or nominated by Party organizations, and their election, appointment or removal shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws, articles of association and regulations。

Article 6 The Party Committee (Party Group) and its organization (personnel) department shall perform the duty of selecting and appointing Party and government leading cadres in accordance with the authority of cadre management, effectively play a gatekeeping role, and be responsible for the organization and implementation of these Regulations。

Act 2 Selection and appointment conditions

Article 7 Party and government leading cadres must have firm convictions, serve the people, be diligent and pragmatic, dare to take responsibility, be honest and clean, and have the following basic conditions:

(一)自觉坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Make efforts to analyze and solve practical problems with Marxist positions, viewpoints and methods,Insist on study, politics and integrity,Firmly establish political awareness, overall awareness, core awareness, and alignment awareness,坚决维护习近平总书记核心地位,We will resolutely uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership,Consciously maintain a high degree of consistency in thought, politics and action with the Central Committee of the Party,Stand all kinds of wind and waves test;

(2) Having the lofty ideal of communism and firm belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics,We should have confidence in our path, our theories, our system, and our culture,Resolutely implement the Party's theory, line, principles and policies,Aspire to reform and opening up,Devote oneself to the cause of modernization,Work hard to start a business in socialist construction,Establish a correct view of achievements,Make achievements that can stand the test of practice, the people and history;

(3) Adhere to emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping pace with The Times, seeking truth and being pragmatic, earnestly investigating and researching, and be able to combine the Party's principles and policies with the actual conditions of the local region and department, and carry out work and implementation effectively"Three stricts and three real" requirements, take the initiative to act, do solid work, tell the truth, do practical things, and seek practical results;

(4) Having a strong revolutionary commitment, a sense of political responsibility and a sense of historical mission, a fighting spirit and ability, practical experience, organizational ability, cultural level and professional quality competent for leadership;

5. Correctly exercising the power entrusted by the people,Stick to the principle,Dare to grasp and control,Act in accordance with the law,Lead by example,Hardship and simplicity,Diligence and frugality,Adhere to the Party's mass line,Maintain close ties with the masses,Consciously accept criticism and supervision from the Party and the masses,Strengthen moral cultivation,Uphold party spirit, emphasize moral conduct, and set an example,Take the lead in practicing core socialist values,Clean politics, clean use of power, clean self-cultivation, clean family,Do self-respect self-examination self-warning self-encouragement,Oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance,Oppose any act of abusing power and seeking personal gain;

(6) Adhere to and safeguard the Party's system of democratic centralism, have a democratic style of work, have an overall perspective, and be good at uniting comrades, including uniting comrades with whom they hold different views。

Article VIII Those who are promoted to party and government leading positions shall have the following basic qualifications:

(1) Those who are promoted to a leading post at the county level shall have at least five years of service and at least two years of grass-roots work experience。

(2) Those who are promoted to leadership positions at or above the county level shall generally have experience in holding two or more positions at the next level。

(3) To be promoted to a leading post at or above the county level, from a deputy post to a regular post, should work in the deputy post for more than two years;A person who is promoted from a lower official post to a higher deputy post shall work at a lower official post for more than three years。

(4) Generally should have a college degree or above, of which department level or above leading cadres should generally have a college degree or above。

(5) It shall be trained by the Party school (administrative college), cadre college or other training institutions approved by the organization (personnel) department, and the training time shall meet the relevant requirements of cadre education and training。If the training requirements are not met before appointment due to special circumstances, the training shall be completed within one year after appointment。

(6) having the physical condition to perform his duties normally。

(7) Meet the qualification requirements stipulated by relevant laws。Anyone who is promoted to a leading position in the Party shall also meet the party seniority requirements as stipulated in the Constitution of the Communist Party of China。

Civil servants of all ranks shall hold leading posts in accordance with the relevant regulations。

The ninth article Leading party and government cadres should be promoted step by step。Cadres who are particularly excellent or have special needs for their work may break the qualifications or be promoted from one level to a leading post。

Exceptional promotion of outstanding cadres,It should be politically strong, outstanding moral and talent quality, and highly recognized by the masses,And meet one of the following conditions: at critical moments or in undertaking urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks to withstand the test, outstanding performance, make significant contributions;Outstanding performance in areas or units with difficult conditions, complex environment and poor foundation;Dutiful duties in other positions,The performance has been particularly remarkable。

Cadres who are promoted abnormally due to the special needs of their work shall meet one of the following circumstances: the leadership structure needs or the leadership post has special requirements;Professional positions or important special work urgently needed;Hard and remote areas, poor areas urgently need to introduce。

The promotion of cadres without exception must be strictly mastered。The basic conditions stipulated in Article 7 of these Regulations and the qualification requirements stipulated in paragraph 1, paragraph 7 of Article 8 shall not be breached。Those who have not served their probation period or have been promoted for less than one year may not be promoted without exception。No consecutive exceptions may be made in terms of term of office。No more than two levels of promotion。

Article ten To broaden the scope and channels of selection, Party and government leading cadres can be selected from party and government organs, and can be selected from outside party and government organs, paying attention to the selection of enterprises, institutions of higher learning, research institutes and other units as well as social organizations。Members of the local party and government leading groups should pay attention to the selection of cadres who have held party and government leading positions in counties (cities, districts, flags), townships (towns, streets) and state-owned enterprises and institutions。

Act 3 Analysis, judgment and motion

Article 11 The organization (personnel) department should deepen the daily understanding of cadres, insist on the governor to know people, and work hard in peacetime, all-round, multi-angle, close understanding of cadres。According to the daily understanding of the situation, the leading group and leading cadres are comprehensively analyzed and judged to provide basis and reference for the Party committee (Party group) to select and employ people。

Article 12 The Party committee (Party group) or the organization (personnel) department shall put forward opinions on starting the selection and appointment of cadres according to the work needs and the actual construction of the leading group, and in combination with the comprehensive analysis and judgment of the situation。

Article 13 The organization (personnel) department will make an analysis of the leading team and leading cadres based on the suggestions of relevant parties and the situation at the time, and put forward preliminary suggestions on the positions, conditions, scope, methods, procedures and candidate intentions for selection and appointment。

Individuals who recommend candidates for leading cadres to Party organizations must responsibly write out the recommendation materials and sign their names。

Article 14 The organization (personnel) department will report the preliminary suggestions to the main leading members of the Party Committee (Party group), improve the preliminary suggestions, communicate and incubate within a certain range, and form a work plan。

Strictly check the candidates for the motion, and according to the needs of the work, relevant matters can be checked in advance。

Article 15 In the process of deliberation and motion, according to the needs of the work and the actual situation, open selection and competition for posts may also be used as a means of selecting candidates if it is really necessary。Leadership positions are vacant and there are no suitable candidates in the region and department,In particular, it is necessary to supplement the shortage of professional talents or to equip the structure of cadres,Candidates can be selected through open selection;Leadership positions are vacant,The number of qualified persons in the system of the unit is large and needs to be further selected,Candidates can be selected through competition。Open selection and competition are generally applicable to deputy leadership positions。

Open selection and competition for posts should be combined with the characteristics of posts, adhere to organizational checks, highlight political quality, professional quality, work performance and consistent performance, and prevent simple scores and votes。

If the qualification conditions of open selection and competition for posts break through the provisions, it shall be reported to the superior organization (personnel) department for examination and approval in advance。

Act Four Democratic recommendation

Article 16 The selection and appointment of leading Party and government officials shall be based on democratic recommendation。Democratic recommendation includes interview survey recommendation and meeting recommendation, and the recommendation results are used as an important reference for selection and appointment, and are valid within one year。

Article 17 Change of leadership,Democratic recommendation according to the position setting full directional recommendation;Individual promotion or further use,It can be recommended according to the proposed position,It can also make non-directed recommendation according to the specific situation of the proposed position;Further use,It can be done by listening to opinions,Among them, regular jobs can also be democratically recommended by referring to individual promotions。

Article 18 Local leadership change, democratic recommendation shall go through the following procedures:

(1) Conduct research and recommendation of the conversation, provide the conversation outline, policy description of the change of term, roster of cadres and other relevant materials to the conversation partners in advance, put forward relevant requirements, and improve the quality of the conversation;

(b) comprehensive consideration of the conversation, research and recommendation as well as candidate conditions, job requirements, team structure, etc., after communication and consultation with the party committee at the same level, the higher party committee or organizational department research and put forward the meeting recommendation reference candidates, the reference candidates should be put forward;

(3) Hold a recommendation meeting, presided over by the Party committee at the same level, and the investigation team explains the relevant policies of the change of the term, introduces the selection of reference candidates, puts forward relevant requirements, and organizes to fill in the recommendation form;

(4) A comprehensive analysis of the situation of democratic recommendation;

(5) To report the democratic recommendation to the Party committee or organizational department at a higher level。

Article 19 Local leadership change, talk research recommended by the following people generally participate:

(1) Members of the Party Committee;

(2) Leading members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the government, and the CPPCC;

(3) Leading members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection Supervision Committee;

(4) principal leading members of courts and procuratorates;

(5) Main leading members of Party committee working departments, government working departments, and mass organizations;

(6) principal leading members of the Party committee and government at the next higher level;

(7) Other personnel who need to participate may be determined according to the principles of knowledge, relevance and representation。

In recommending candidates for leading members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the government, and the CPPCC, the democratic parties, major leading members of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and representatives without party affiliation shall participate。

The personnel recommended to attend the meeting shall be determined by reference to the above range and may be adjusted appropriately。

Article 20 Where individual promotion or further use requires democratic recommendation, the democratic recommendation procedure may be carried out by reference to Article 18 of these Regulations;If necessary, you can also conduct a meeting recommendation first, and then conduct a conversation research recommendation。If the conversation research is recommended first, the reference candidate for the meeting can be put forward, and the reference candidate should be put forward by the difference。If the number of units is small, the scope of the meeting recommendation personnel is basically the same as that of the talk research recommendation personnel, and the talk research recommendation opinions are concentrated, according to the actual situation, the meeting recommendation can no longer be carried out。

According to the needs of the work, before the democratic recommendation, the recommended position, conditions, scope and candidates who meet the requirements and conditions of the position can be communicated within the scope of the leadership of the region or unit where the candidate is located。

Article 21 Individual promotion, or further use of democratic recommendation, democratic recommendation personnel generally in accordance with the following scope:

(1) Democratic recommendation of local Party and government leading group members, with reference to the provisions of Article 19 of these regulations, may be appropriately adjusted。

(2) Democratic recommendation of leading members of the work department, interview and survey recommended by leading members of the department, the main leading positions of the internal institutions, the main leading members of the directly affiliated units and other personnel who need to participate;According to the actual situation, it can also absorb the main leading members of the subordinate units of the system to participate。The scope of personnel recommended to attend the meeting can be adjusted appropriately。

(3) Democratic recommendation of the proposed candidates for the leading positions of the internal organs shall be determined by referring to the scope listed in the preceding paragraph, and may also be carried out within the scope of the internal organs。

Article 22 Candidates for leading members with special needs of Party committees, governments and their working departments may be recommended by the Party Committee (Party group) or the organization (personnel) department and reported to the higher organization (personnel) department for approval as the object of investigation。

Chapter Five 考 察

Article 23 To determine the objects of investigation, we should, according to the needs of the work and the conditions of cadres' morality and talent, comprehensively consider the democratic recommendation and daily understanding, comprehensive analysis and judgment, and the degree of post matching, in-depth analysis and comparison, so as to prevent the recommendation ticket from being equal to the election ticket and simply taking people with the recommendation ticket。

Article 24 Under any of the following circumstances, it shall not be listed as the object of investigation:

(1) Violating political discipline and rules;

(2) the degree of public recognition is not high;

(3) The annual assessment results of the previous year are of the order below basic competence;

(4) non-organizational acts such as running for office or soliciting votes;

(5) Except for special post needs, the spouse has emigrated outside the country (territory), or there is no spouse but the children have emigrated outside the country (territory);

(6) Affected by the use of the influence period, such as encouragement, organizational treatment or party discipline and government sanctions, has not expired or has expired;

(7) Not suitable for promotion or further use for other reasons。

Article 25 Change of local leadership,The secretary and deputy secretary of the Party Committee at the same level, the Standing Committee in charge of organization, discipline inspection and supervision, etc., according to the feedback of the superior Party committee organization department,Incubate the candidates for the investigation object,The standing Committee of the Party Committee at the same level shall study and put forward a list of proposed objects for investigation,After communication with the superior Party committee organization department,Determine the object of investigation。The object of investigation for the proposed new party and government leadership should be publicized within a certain range。

Individual promotion or further use, according to the authority of cadres management, by the Party committee (Party group) or higher organization (personnel) department to determine the object of investigation。

The object of investigation should generally be more than the number of proposed positions, individual promotion or further use of opinions are more concentrated, can also determine the object of investigation in the same amount。

Article 26 The organization (personnel) department shall conduct a strict inspection of the identified objects of investigation。

The inspection work of the dual management cadres shall be organized and implemented by the competent party and carried out jointly with the co-management party according to the work needs。

Article 27 To investigate candidates for party and government leadership positions, we must comprehensively examine their morality, ability, diligence, performance, and integrity according to the conditions of cadre selection and appointment and the requirements of different leadership positions, and strictly control their politics, conduct, ability, style, and integrity。

Highlight political standards, pay attention to understanding the study of political theories, and investigate the situation of political loyalty, political determination, political responsibility, political ability, and political self-discipline。

Conduct an in-depth study of moral conduct, strengthen the investigation of performance outside working hours, and pay attention to understanding social ethics, professional ethics, family virtues, personal virtues and other aspects。

Strengthen professional quality inspection, in-depth understanding of professional knowledge, professional ability, professional style, professional spirit and other aspects of the situation。

Pay attention to the inspection of work performance, focus on the implementation of the Party Central Committee's major decisions and arrangements, coordinated progressThe overall layout of "five in one" and the coordinated promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, in-depth understanding of the actual results achieved by fulfilling the responsibilities of the post, implementing the new development concept, and promoting high-quality development。When investigating the members of the local party and government leading groups, economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, ecological civilization construction and party construction should be taken as an important part of the investigation and evaluation, and the actual performance of the work should be prevented from being evaluated solely by the speed of economic growth。The inspection of leading cadres of Party and government departments shall take the performance of party building duties, the formulation and implementation of policies, the promotion of reform and innovation, the creation of a good development environment, the provision of quality public services, and the maintenance of social fairness and justice as an important content of the inspection and evaluation。

We will strengthen our examination of our work style, gain an in-depth understanding of serving the people, seeking truth and pragmatism, working diligently, taking on responsibilities, working hard, observing the spirit of the eight-point Regulations of the Central Committee, and opposing formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance。

Strengthen the investigation of clean government, in-depth understanding of compliance with the relevant provisions of honesty and self-discipline, maintain noble sentiments and healthy taste, be cautious and cautious, use justice and power, clean and honest, do not seek personal gains, strict requirements for relatives and staff around。

According to the actual needs, for different levels, different positions of the investigation object, the implementation of differentiated investigation, the party and government candidates, adhere to higher standards, more stringent requirements, highlighting the political direction, control the overall situation, grasp the team and team investigation。

Article 28 To investigate the proposed candidates for Party and government leadership positions, sufficient inspection time shall be guaranteed and the following procedures shall be followed:

(1) To formulate a work plan for the investigation;

(2) Communicate with the main leading members of the Party committee (Party group) of the unit submitted by the object of investigation or the unit to which the object belongs on the investigation work plan and solicit opinions;

(C) according to the different circumstances of the objects of investigation, through appropriate means within a certain range of official inspection notice;

(4) To take individual interviews, the issuance of request forms, democratic assessments, field visits, access to cadres' personnel files and working materials, etc., to understand the situation extensively and deeply, to conduct special investigations and extended investigations as needed, and to pay attention to understanding the life circle and social circle of the objects of investigation;

(5) Interview with the object of investigation to further understand its political position, ideological quality, value orientation, insight, adaptability, character characteristics, psychological quality and other aspects, as well as shortcomings and shortcomings, identify and confirm relevant problems, and deepen the research and judgment of the object of investigation;

(6) Comprehensive analysis of the investigation situation, comparison with the consistent performance of the investigation object, mutual confirmation, comprehensive and accurate evaluation of the investigation object;

(7) To report to the object of the investigation or the main leading members of the Party committee (Party group) of the unit where the investigation is conducted, and exchange views;

(8) The investigation team shall study and put forward proposals for the appointment of candidates, report to the organization (personnel) department that dispatched the investigation team, and the organization (personnel) department shall collectively study and put forward the appointment proposal plan, and report to the Party committee (Party group) at the same level。

The procedures for examining candidates for leadership positions in internal institutions may be appropriately simplified in light of actual conditions。

Article 29 Investigate the proposed candidates for the members of the local party and government leading groups, and the scope of individual conversations and soliciting opinions is generally:

(1) Leading members of Party committees and governments, leading members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the discipline Inspection Commission, the courts and the procuratorates;

(2) Leading members of the unit to which the object of investigation belongs;

(3) The principal leading member of the relevant working department of the unit to which the object of investigation belongs or the personnel holding the principal leading position in the internal organization and the principal leading member of the unit directly under the investigation;

(4) other relevant personnel。

Article 30 Investigate the proposed candidates for the leading team members of the working department, and the scope of individual conversations and soliciting opinions is generally:

(1) The relevant leading members of the higher leading organs of the object of investigation;

(2) Leading members of the unit to which the object of investigation belongs;

(3) the personnel who hold the main leading positions in the institutions of the units to which the object of the investigation belongs and the main leading members of the units directly under them;

(4) other relevant personnel。

Inspect the candidates for the leadership positions of the internal institutions, and refer to the above provisions for the scope of individual conversations and soliciting opinions。

Article 31 To investigate the proposed candidates for party and government leadership positions, the opinions of the organization (personnel) department of the unit where the object of investigation is located, the discipline inspection and supervision organ, and the party organization of the organ shall be heard, and the opinions of the inspection and inspection organs, audit organs and other relevant departments may be heard as needed。

The organization (personnel) department must strictly examine the cadre personnel files of the objects of investigation, check personal reports on relevant matters, listen to the opinions of the discipline inspection and supervision organs on the situation of Party conduct and clean government, and verify the complaints and reports that reflect specific and verifiable clues of problems。The objects of investigation that need to be audited for economic responsibility shall be audited in advance in accordance with relevant provisions。

The Party committee (Party group) of the unit to which the object of investigation is submitted or the party committee (Party group) must put forward concluding opinions on the integrity and self-discipline of the object of investigation, and be signed by the secretary of the Party Committee (Party group) and the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection (the leader of the discipline inspection and supervision group)。The proposed candidates for the leading positions of the organs within the organs shall also be examined by the relevant Party organizations and discipline inspection and supervision organs to issue concluding opinions on honesty and self-discipline。

Article 32 To investigate the candidates for the party and government leading positions, it is necessary to form written investigation materials and establish investigation documents。For those who have already served, the inspection materials shall be included in their cadre personnel files。Inspection materials must be realistic, the evaluation should be comprehensive, accurate, objective, with specific examples to reflect the situation of the object of investigation, including the following:

(1) the main performance of morality, ability, diligence, performance and integrity, as well as the main strengths and behavioral characteristics;

(2) Major shortcomings and deficiencies;

(3) democratic recommendation, democratic assessment, investigation and conversation;

(4) Review the personnel files of cadres, check personal reports on relevant matters, listen to the opinions of discipline inspection and supervision organs, and verify the conclusions of complaints and reports。

Article 33 The Party committee (Party group) or the organization (personnel) department shall select personnel with higher quality to form an investigation group, which shall be composed of more than two members。The person in charge of the investigation group shall be a person with good ideological and political quality, rich work experience and familiar with the work of cadres。

We will implement the responsibility system for cadre inspection work。The investigation team must adhere to the principles, be fair and honest, be in-depth and meticulous, truthfully reflect the investigation situation and opinions, be responsible for the investigation materials, and perform the duty of supervision over the selection and appointment of cadres。

Act 6 Discuss and decide

Article 34 Candidates for Party and government leadership positions, before discussion and decision or decision to submit, should be considered among the Party committee (Party group), the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the government, the CPPCC and other relevant leading members according to the different circumstances of the position and the candidate。

The proposed candidate for the leading member of the working department shall solicit the opinion of the leading member in charge of the superior。

The proposed candidates for non-Party members shall seek the opinions of the United front department of the Party Committee, the main leading members of the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and representatives without party affiliation。

For the appointment and removal of dual management cadres, the competent party shall seek the opinions of the associate management party in advance and incubate。Comments are generally solicited in writing。If the assistant manager fails to reply within one month from the date of receipt of the competent party's opinion, it shall be deemed to have agreed。In case of disagreement between the two parties, the appointment and removal of the main post shall be reported to the organizational department of the Party committee at a higher level for coordination, and the appointment and removal of the deputy post shall be decided by the competent party。

Article 35 The selection and appointment of Party and government leading cadres shall be decided by the Party committee (Party group) after collective discussion in accordance with the authority of cadres' management, or decide to put forward recommendations and nominations。The party committee (Party group) at the same level may make recommendations for selection and appointment if the party committee (Party group) at the same level is under the management of the Party committee (Party group) at the higher level。

Prior to the discussion and decision of the candidate who is to be promoted abnormally, it must be reported to the superior organization (personnel) department for approval。Those who are promoted from one rank to another or who are not listed as exceptional candidates for promotion through democratic recommendation shall report before the investigation and be approved before proceeding。

Article 36 The proposed and recommended candidates for the regular posts of the municipal (prefecture, prefecture, league), county (city, district, banner) Party committees and government leading groups shall generally be nominated by the standing Committee of the Party Committee at a higher level and submitted to the plenary session by secret ballot;When the plenary session is not in session, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee shall make a decision, and the opinions of Party committee members shall be consulted before making a decision。

Article 37 Under any of the following circumstances, it shall not be submitted to the meeting for discussion:

(1) failing to make democratic recommendations or investigations in accordance with regulations;

(2) The Party committee (Party group) of the unit to which the proposed candidate belongs has not made a concluding opinion on the integrity and self-discipline, or the discipline inspection and supervision organ has not given feedback, or the discipline inspection and supervision organ has different opinions;

(3) the individual's report on relevant matters has not been verified or the doubt has not been verified;

(4) The complaint reporting with specific and verifiable clues has not been investigated clearly;

(5) The identity, age, years of service, party years, educational background, experience, etc. in the personnel files of cadres have not been verified;

(6) where major problems are found in the course of inspection, audit, etc., and no conclusions have been reached;

(7) Matters concerning the appointment or removal of cadres that have not been reported to the superior in accordance with regulations or have not been approved after the report;

(8) For other reasons, it is not suitable to submit to the meeting for discussion。

Article 38 When the Party Committee (Party group) discusses and decides on the appointment and removal of cadres, more than two-thirds of its members must attend the meeting, and ensure that the participating members have enough time to listen to the briefing and fully express their opinions。The members participating in the appointment and removal matters should express clear opinions such as agreement, disagreement or delay one by one, and the main person in charge of the Party committee (Party group) should make a final statement。On the basis of full discussion, votes shall be taken by voice vote, show of hands or secret ballot。In case of large differences of opinion, the vote shall be postponed。

If a decision of the Party Committee (leading Party Group) concerning the appointment or removal of cadres needs to be reviewed, it shall be carried out only with the consent of more than half of the members of the Party Committee (leading Party Group)。

Article 39 The Party Committee (Party group) shall discuss and decide on the appointment or removal of cadres in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) The leading member of the Party Committee (Party Group) in charge of the organization (personnel) work or the head of the organization (personnel) department,Introduce the recommendation, investigation and reasons for appointment and removal of candidates for leadership positions one by one,It involves work related to selection and appointment, such as promotions that require prior reporting to the higher organization (personnel) department,It shall explain the specific cause and solicit the opinions of the higher organization (personnel) department;

(2) Full discussion by participants;

(C) to vote, the party committee (Party group) should be more than half of the members agreed to form a decision。

Article 40 Cadres to be promoted who need to be submitted to the Party committee (Party group) at a higher level for examination and approval must be submitted to the Party Committee (Party Group) for instructions and attached with a cadre appointment and removal approval form, cadre inspection materials, their own cadre personnel files and Party committee (Party group) meeting minutes, discussion records, democratic recommendations and other materials。The superior organization (personnel) department shall strictly examine the submitted materials。

The cadres who need to report to the superior for the record shall, in accordance with the provisions, promptly report to the superior organization (personnel) department for the record。

Act 7 任 职

Article 41 Party and government leading posts shall be subject to the selection and appointment system, and some leading posts with strong expertise may be subject to the appointment system。

Article 42 The system of public disclosure of leading party and government officials before taking office will be implemented。

Promotion to leadership positions below the bureau level, except for special positions and candidates who have been publicized during the transition investigation, after the discussion and decision of the Party committee (Party group) and before the issuance of the notice of appointment, it should be publicized within a certain range。The content of the publicity should be true and accurate, easy to supervise, and should also explain the specific circumstances and reasons for the exception。The publicity period shall not be less than five working days。If the announcement of the results does not affect the office, the office formalities shall be handled。

Article 43 A probation period system for party and government leading cadres shall be implemented。

The probationary period is one year for those who are promoted to any of the following non-elected leading posts at or below the bureau level:

(1) Deputy posts in Party committees, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the working departments of the government and the CPPCC, and leading positions in internal institutions;

(2) the leading positions of the organs and agencies of the Commission for Discipline Inspection Supervision;

(3) Leading positions appointed by non-state organs of power within the organs of courts and procuratorates according to law。

After the expiration of the probation period, those who have been assessed to be competent for the present post shall take office formally;If he is not competent, he shall be removed from the post on trial, and his work shall generally be arranged according to the rank or post level before the trial。

Article 44 Implement the office interview system。For cadres who have decided to appoint, the Party Committee (Party group) shall designate special persons to talk with them, affirm their achievements, point out their shortcomings, put forward requirements and problems that need attention。

For cadres who are promoted and promoted through open selection and competition, the Party Committee (Party group) should also designate special persons to talk when they officially take office at the end of the probation period。

Article 45 The tenure of Party and government leading posts shall be calculated according to the following periods:

(1) If the appointment is decided by the Party Committee (leading Party Group), it shall be counted from the date of the decision by the Party Committee (leading Party Group);

(2) If the Party congress, the plenary session of the Party Committee, the plenary session of the Party Commission for Discipline Inspection, the people's Congress, the CPPCC plenary session elected or decided on the appointment, counted from the date of election or decision;

(3) If the appointment is made or decided upon by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, it shall be counted from the date on which the appointment is made or decided upon by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or the Standing Committee of the CPPCC;

(4) If the Party Committee nominates a government appointment to the government, it shall be counted from the date of appointment by the government。

Act 8 Recommendation, nomination and democratic consultation in accordance with the law

Article 46 When a party committee recommends to the People's Congress or the Standing Committee a candidate for leading cadres to be elected, appointed, or decided upon by the people's Congress or the Standing Committee, it shall, in advance, introduce the recommendations of the Party Committee to the provisional Party organizations of the People's Congress or to members of the leading Party groups and members of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress。The provisional Party organizations of the people's Congress, the leading Party groups and members of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress, and Party members of the deputies to the People's Congress shall earnestly implement the recommendations and opinions of the Party committees, take the lead in acting in accordance with the law, and correctly perform their duties。

Article 47  When a party committee recommends to a people's Congress a candidate for a leading cadre elected or appointed by the people's Congress, it shall, in the name of the party committee at the corresponding level, submit a letter of recommendation to the presidium of the people's Congress, introducing the relevant information about the candidate recommended and explaining the reasons for the recommendation。

In recommending to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress candidates for leading cadres appointed or decided to be appointed by the Standing Committee, the Party Committee shall, in accordance with the prescribed procedures, present relevant information about the candidates recommended before deliberation by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。

Article 48  The Party Committee shall nominate to the government candidates for leading members of government departments and institutions appointed by the government, who shall be appointed by the government after discussion and decision by the Party Committee。

Article 49  When the party committee recommends candidates for the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the government, the leading members of the CPPCC, and the directors of the supervisory commissions, the presidents of courts, and the procurator-general of procuratorates, it shall inform the democratic parties, the main leading members of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and representatives without party affiliation in advance and conduct democratic consultations。

Article 50  If, prior to the election or appointment by the people's Congress or the appointment or appointment by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, a deputy to the People's Congress or a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress raises a different opinion on the candidate recommended by the Party Committee, the Party committee shall study it carefully and make necessary explanations or explanations。If the Party committee finds that there is a factual basis for problems affecting the election or appointment, it may recommend to the People's Congress or the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress that the election, appointment or appointment be postponed in accordance with the prescribed procedures, or it may recommend a new candidate。

The recommendation and nomination of candidates for leading members of the CPPCC through consultation shall be handled in accordance with the Constitution of the CPPCC and relevant provisions。

Act 9  Communication and avoidance

Article 51  We will implement an exchange system of party and government leading cadres。

(A) the object of communication is mainly: due to work needs to communicate;Need to improve leadership through communication training;Working for a long time in one place or department;Where withdrawal is required in accordance with regulations;Need to communicate for other reasons。The focus of the exchanges is the leading members of local party committees and governments at or above the county level, the main leading members of discipline inspection commissions, courts, procuratorates, party committees and some government departments。

(2) Leading members of local party committees and governments shall, in principle, serve a full term,Those who have been in the same position for ten years must communicate;Those who have served two consecutive terms in the same post shall no longer be recommended, nominated or appointed to the same post。Party and government posts in the same local (department) are generally exchanged at different times。

(3) Leading cadres at or above the division level in party and government organs who have been in the same post for a long time should communicate。

(4) Young cadres with a single experience or lack of grassroots work experience should be sent to work at grassroots levels, in difficult remote areas and in complex environments in a planned way, and resolutely prevent themGilding thoughts and short-term actions。

5. Strengthen coordination of work and increase exchanges between officials。Promote local and departmental, regional, departmental, party and government mechanisms关与Cadres exchanges between state-owned enterprises and institutions and other social organizations will promote the formation of a sound working mechanism for cadres and talents of state-owned enterprises and institutions and social organizations to enter Party and government organs in a timely manner。

(6) Cadres exchange shall be organized and implemented by the Party Committee (Party Group) and its organization (personnel) department in accordance with the authority of cadres management, and the qualification conditions of candidates shall be strictly grasped。Individual cadres may not contact and exchange matters on their own, and leading cadres may not designate candidates for exchange。The same cadre should not communicate frequently。

(7) After receiving the notice of appointment, the exchange cadres shall take up their posts within the time limit set by the Party Committee (Party group) or the organization (personnel) department。For cross-regional and cross-departmental exchanges, administrative relations, wage relations and Party organizational relations shall be transferred at the same time。

Article 52  A system for party and government leaders to avoid taking office will be implemented。

The family relations that party and government leading cadres avoid in office are: husband and wife relationship, direct blood relationship, collateral blood relationship within three generations and close in-law relationship。A person with the above family relationship may not hold a post directly subordinate to the same leader or a post directly subordinate to the leader of the upper and lower levels in the same organ, nor may he engage in organizational (personnel), discipline inspection and supervision, audit and financial work in the organ where one of the parties holds a leading position。

Leading cadres may not serve as the main leading members of the county (city) Party committee and government, the discipline inspection commission supervision committee, the organization department, the court, the procuratorate, and the public security department in the place where they grew up,Generally, it is not allowed to serve as the main leading member of the municipal (prefecture, league) Party committee and government, the discipline inspection commission, the organization department, the court, the procuratorate, and the public security department in the place where I grew up。

Article 53  A system of avoiding the selection and appointment of party and government leading cadres will be implemented。

The Party Committee (Party Group) and its organization (personnel) department discuss the appointment and removal of cadres, involving the participants themselves and their relatives, I must withdraw。

If a member of the cadre inspection group involves his or her relatives in the cadre inspection work, he or she must withdraw。

Act 10  Dismissal, resignation, demotion

Article 54  Party and government leading cadres under any of the following circumstances shall generally be removed from their current posts:

(1) having reached the age limit for holding office or retirement;

(2) being investigated for responsibility and should be removed from office;

(三)Be unfit for the present post and should be removed

(4) should be removed from office due to violation of discipline and law;

(5) resignation or transfer;

(6) non-organization selection, individual application for resignation study period of more than one year;

(7) Unable to perform work duties normally for more than one year due to health reasons;

(8) The current post should be removed due to work needs or other reasons。

Article 55  A system for leading party and government officials to resign will be implemented。Resignation includes resignation on duty, voluntary resignation, taking responsibility for resignation and ordered resignation。

The resignation shall comply with the relevant provisions, and the formalities shall be handled in accordance with the law or relevant prescribed procedures。

Article 56  Leading Party and government cadres who have resigned, been ordered to resign, or been removed for accountability shall not be assigned leading posts within one year, and shall not assume leading posts higher than their original posts within two years。If Party discipline and administrative sanctions are imposed at the same time, they shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the longer impact period。

Article 57  A demotion system for leading party and government officials will be implemented。Party and government leading cadres who are determined to be incompetent in the annual assessment, who are not suitable for the current post level due to their weak working ability, being dealt with by the organization or for other reasons, shall be demoted。The treatment of cadres demoted shall be in accordance with the standards of the new post rank。

Article 58  A person who is transferred from his post or removed from his post because he is not suitable for the present post shall not be promoted within one year。Cadres who have been demoted shall be promoted again in accordance with relevant regulations。

Re-appointment or promotion shall be rationally arranged according to the specific circumstances, work needs and personal circumstances。

Cadres who meet the relevant provisions and are tolerant of mistakes shall be treated objectively and fairly。

Chapter 11  Discipline and supervision

Article 59  The selection and appointment of Party and government leading cadres must strictly implement the provisions of these Regulations and observe the following disciplines:

(1) It is not allowed to promote leading cadres beyond the number of posts, beyond the specifications of the organization, to set up institutional cadres beyond the scope of authority for examination and approval, or to set up post titles without authorization or improve the treatment of cadres at post ranks in violation of regulations;

(2) Not to take improper means to seek office or raise the rank and treatment for himself or others;

(3) It is forbidden to move, recommend, investigate, discuss and decide on the appointment or removal of cadres in violation of the prescribed procedures, or to allow the principal leading members to decide on the appointment or removal of cadres individually;

(4) It is forbidden to divulge the relevant information of research and judgment, motion, democratic recommendation, democratic assessment, investigation, brewing, discussion and decision of cadres without permission;

(5) It is not allowed to conceal or distort the truth in the investigation of cadres;

(6) It is forbidden to engage in non-organizational activities such as canvassing and campaigning in democratic recommendation, democratic assessment, organizational inspection and election;

(7) It is not allowed to use the convenience of its position to privately interfere with the selection and appointment of cadres at lower levels or in the regions, systems and units where it was previously held;

(8) It is not allowed to promote or adjust cadres abruptly when the organization is changing, when the main leading members are about to reach the age limit of service or retirement age limit, or when it is clear that they are about to leave office;

(9) In the selection and appointment of cadres, it is forbidden to nepotism, exclude dissenters, make promises, form cliques, engage in gangs, or engage in personal malpractice;

(10) It is not allowed to tamper with or forge the personnel files of cadres, or to falsify the status, age, length of service, party membership, educational background and experience of cadres。

Article 60  We will strengthen the supervision of the whole process of the selection and appointment of cadres, and strictly implement the system of documentation of the whole process of the selection and appointment of cadres and reports on pre-appointment matters, "one report and two reviews", special inspections, outgoing inspections, project supervision, and backward inspections of "promotion with illness"。Strictly investigate and punish violations of organizational (personnel) discipline。For violations of the provisions of these Regulations, the main leading members of the Party Committee (Party group) and relevant leading members, the relevant leading members of the organization (personnel) department and other directly responsible persons shall be dealt with or disciplined in accordance with the relevant provisions;Those suspected of violating laws and crimes shall be transferred to relevant state organs for handling according to law。

Those who refuse to obey the decision of organizational transfer or exchange without justifiable reasons shall be dismissed or demoted in accordance with regulations, discipline and law, and shall be given sanctions according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 61  We will implement a system of accountability for the selection and appointment of party and government leading cadres。Where serious consequences are caused by the omission of personnel,Where there are serious irregularities in the employment of employees in the region or department, strong reactions from the cadres and the masses, and ineffective investigation and punishment of violations of organizational (personnel) discipline,It should be based on specific circumstances,The Party Committee (Party group) and its main leading members, relevant leading members, organization (personnel) departments, discipline inspection and supervision organs, relevant leading members of the cadre investigation group, and other directly responsible persons shall be seriously investigated and held accountable。

Article 62  The Party Committee (Party Group) and its organizational (personnel) departments shall supervise and inspect the selection and appointment of cadres and the implementation of these Regulations, earnestly accept reports and appeals concerning the selection and appointment of cadres, stop and correct acts in violation of these Regulations, and put forward opinions or suggestions on the handling of the responsible persons。

Discipline inspection and supervision organs and patrol and inspection bodies shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, strengthen supervision and inspection of the selection and appointment of cadres。

Article 63  A system of joint meetings between local party committees' organizational departments and relevant institutions such as discipline inspection and supervision, inspection Tours, organizational establishment, auditing, and letters and visits shall be implemented to share information, exchange information, study problems, and put forward opinions and suggestions on strengthening supervision over the selection and appointment of cadres。The joint meeting shall be convened by the organizational department。

Article 64  The Party Committee (Party Group) and its organizational (personnel) departments must strictly implement these Regulations in the selection and appointment of cadres, insist on employing people in a fair and impartial manner, strictly regulate the use of power in performing their duties, and consciously accept supervision within the Party, social supervision and supervision by the masses。Organs at lower levels and party members, cadres and the masses shall have the right to report and appeal to the Party Committee (Party Group) and its organization (personnel) departments, discipline inspection and supervision organs at higher levels for violations of discipline in the selection and appointment of cadres, and the departments and organs accepting the cases shall examine and handle them in accordance with the relevant provisions。

Chapter 12  附 则

Article 65  The provisions of these Regulations on working departments shall also apply to administrative offices, dispatched offices, AD hoc agencies and other agencies directly under them。

Article 66  The Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate corresponding measures for the implementation of these Regulations in accordance with the selection and appointment of leading Party and government cadres of townships (towns and subdistricts)。

Article 67  The methods for selecting and appointing leading cadres of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Forces shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with the principles of these Regulations。

Article 68  The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

Article 69  These Regulations shall come into force on March 3, 2019。The Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres issued by the CPC Central Committee on January 14, 2014 shall be repealed simultaneously。